Active gaming: The new paradigm in children’s physical activity

Written by: Lisa Witherspoon Hansen and Stephen W. Sanders

Abstract: Childhood obesity is on the rise and children’s participation in physical activity is struggling to maintain the same velocity. Technology often blamed for creating this increase in sedentary lifestyles, however it may also provide the cure. Active gaming is a contemporary approach to exercise that can provide children much needed daily physical activity. The use of active gaming equipment and creation of new facilities for active gaming is increasing throughout the United States. More research is certainly welcome in defining this new movement. However, active gaming appears to be aligned with adolescent culture and makes available a fun alternative to traditional exercise by allowing children to play the digital games they enjoy and also receive the benefits of physical exercise. Benefits as well as concerns and considerations of this movement are discussed in order to clearly appreciate the impact active gaming is currently asserting on daily physical activity patterns of children and adolescents.

Keywords: active gaming, childhood obesity, digital games, exergaming, physical activity physical education, technology